Acupuncture uses extremely thin needles at specific points along the body. This 3,000-year-old energy medicine treats illness by manipulating the energy life force or “qi” that runs through every cell and every system in your body. Each point activates your body’s systems to rebalance your internal environment, activating its own self-healing and self-regulating abilities. Modern research tells us that Acupuncture benefits us in the following ways :
Improves circulation and releases blockages of energy in the body which in turn moves blood to decrease pain
Stimulates organ function and promotes cellular regeneration
Acts as a natural analgesic by interrupting pain signaling to the brain via opioid neuropeptides
Influences the body’s biochemical responses via the nervous and endocrine systems
Reduces pro inflammatory markers in the body.
A technique that uses small glass cups as suction devices placed on the skin to disperse and break up stagnation and congestion by drawing congested blood, energy, or other humors to the surface.
Clear congestion from a common cold
Control asthma
Detoxifies skin and circulatory system
Removes toxins and
Improves blood flow
Alleviates muscle spasms
The practitioner uses a soft edged tool to repeatedly stroke in one direction pressing into the fascia. Application is predominantly along a muscle, to alleviate pain and break up adhesions and scar tissue around the joints. Recently Gua Sha has gained popularity in the beauty industry because certain soft semiprecious stones can be used to tonify sagging skin and discoloration on the face. Gua Sha is also very effective for the common cold. Applied to the shoulders, upper back and chest Gua Sha is used to expel pathogens, and vent heat from the body.
Moxa, Artemisia Vulgaris, has been used in East Asian Medicine as a medical treatment for over 5000 years. A species of chrysanthemum, commonly known as mugwort. The leaves are dried and ground into a fine powder. Moxa is an infrared healing heat that penetrates deep into the body. It is warming and moving in nature so therefore helps with blood circulation, lymph circulation, digestive disorders, menstrual pain, etc. When applied to specific acupuncture points moxabustion can boost the immune system, alleviate arthritis pain and even turn a breech baby.. There is a reason why the ancient texts say Moxabustion treats 100 diseases.
Reiki is a form of energy medicine using a light touch hands-on healing to tap into a “universal healing life force” discovered in Japan in the late 1800s by Mikao Usui. Reiki works with the body’s own innate healing powers to relieve stress and anxiety, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate healing and bring one’s body back into balance. Reiki is a great supportive healing modality on it’s own or to accompany an acupuncture treatment.